The Rotary Club of Oban continued their 75th Anniversary Celebrations with the presentation of £1000 in support of Glencruitten Golf Club’s Junior Youth Coaching Programme.

Oban President Peter Tosh accompanied by Junior Vice President and AM AM Convenor Edward Thornton presented the cheque to the Golf Club’s Captain Kenny Devine. Kenny said, “ We would like to thank the Rotary Club of Oban for their continued support of our Junior Section and especially with our work in coaching the next generation of young players. We certainly have had a great number of excellent young boys and girls coming through the club, enjoying the game, and reaching all levels from club Saturday morning golf all the way up to District Level and as Professional players on the World Stage. We couldn’t do this grass roots work without the support of local organisations like the Rotary Club of Oban.”
President Peter noted that the Rotary Club of Oban were committed to expanding and supporting Youth Activity in Argyll and were pleased to support such a worthwhile programme for our young people.
The conversation continued with a good old reminisce between Rotarian Tommy McQuade and Captain Kenny Devine about life in the Pre Fabs in Longsdale and Hazeldean and former Club Members Uncle Donnie and John Hill and Uncle Alistair McInnes. Who will forget “Ginty’s Grotto “ at the Christmas Dance ?”

Our picture here shows local Rotarians, Ken Moncrieff, Ken Oxland and Iain Mac Intyre handing over a cheque for £1000 to Neil Armour who has been for some time a leading light at GGC in promoting the importance of introducing youngsters to the game.”
The Rotary Club of Oban, in recognition of the tremendous support which they receive from the members of Glencruitten Golf Club in regard to their annual Golf Am-Am, which is Rotary's main fund raiser, regularly contributes to GGC's Junior Golf Development Programme.

Rotary President Douglas Small is seen here handing over a cheque for £1,200 to GGC Captain George MacKenzie for this purpose. GGC's Junior Golf Development Programme has come on leaps and bounds in recent times with around 30 youngsters now under tuition. This is very much on the back of the success of Robert Mac Intyre, who was once a local junior, and is now making a hugely successful career in the professional ranks.
Also in the picture are several Rotarians along with Club members and young stars of the future.

Glencruitten Golf Club hosts Oban Rotary's annual Am-Am which is its chief fund raiser and Dalmally Golf Club has been a strong supporter of the Am-Am over many years invariably putting in three teams of four players apiece.
The picture above left shows Rotary President Iain Mac Intyre handing over the cheque to Neil Amour, GGC's junior golf coach with club members Peter McCuish and Kennie Devine in attendance. The picture above right shows Dalmally Club captain Maud Marshall receiving their cheque from President Iain with Rotarian and Dalmally Club member Terry Macnair alongside.

A few weeks after the above, we received an email and the photograph, right, from Dalmally Golf Club Captain, Maud Marshall, stating
"I thought you might be interested in seeing a photograph of our Junior Prizewinners and their coaches, pictured at our Prizegiving on 28 October, with the clubs and bags purchased with the generous grant from Oban Rotary. Thank you once more for your support".
In recognition of the tremendous support which the Rotary Club of Oban receives from Glencruitten Golf Club, with regard to putting on it's annual golf charitable Am-Am, Rotary's main fund raiser for supporting local good causes, Rotary President Tommy McQuade is seen here presenting a cheque for £1000 to Golf Club Captain Alan Jamieson as a donation towards Junior Golf Development.
The majority of the golfers on the day are members of Glencruitten Golf Club, who in the interests of charity, are paying for the privilege of playing on their own course and this only serves to underpin the generosity of the town and district at large.
The 2017 Rotary Am-Am raised in excess of £11,000 all of which goes towards assisting local good causes with the highlight in the past year being Oban Rotary's contribution of £4,000 p.a for 3 years i.e. £12,000 in support of local young carers.
The photograph also includes members of Rotary and GGC.
In recognition of the support given by Glencruitten Golf Club to Oban Rotary in regard to putting on their annual golf Am-Am, which is Oban Rotary's chief fund raiser for local good causes, President Graham Fraser is seen here presenting Neil Armour of GGC with a cheque for £1000 as a contribution towards Junior Golf Development