In partnership with " The Friends of Saint Conan's Kirk", who seek to maintain the fabric and grounds of this historical and iconic building through their fund raising programmes, members of The Rotary Club of Oban participated in a daffodil bulb planting event on Sunday 21st October in the gardens surrounding the building.
St Conans Kirk attracts a substantial number of visitors each year and much credit is due to the local committee for their efforts to maintain and enhance the attraction of the building and its surrounding area.
The daffodil bulbs were donated by local Rotarian Terry Macnair and in the picture at the front are:- Liz Mackay, Linda Oxland, Dave Mudie, Rotary President Iain MacIntyre, Gordon MacLachlan and at the back Graham Fraser, Billy MacLean and Peter Tosh, the latter being the event co-ordinator.

This is only one section of the daffodil bulb planting that was carried out at St Conan's Kirk which was sponsored by Rotarian Terry Macnair. The photo was taken early on in the year and the crop was much more prolific later in the spring. Next year's show will undoubtedly be something to behold and one can only marvel at the strength and determination of daffodils given the depth that Rotarians Billy Mac Lean and Gordon MacLachlan set about burying them in the ground!